Modern Day Agricultural Co-operatives Enabling Proficiency

A self-sustaining co-operative based industry has always helped a country’s economy to flourish. And the agriculture industry is needless to say the most influential in promoting the co-operatives. The joint effort of the overall success results from the participation of many families, farmers and co-operative employees.

The Growth over Time:

Various organizations have come forth that are trying to utilize and put forth their services exactly pertaining to this sphere of agricultural co-operative industry. The advent of the internet and digital marketing skills of various co-operatives have opened up in-roads that are changing the very scenario. A fertilizer cooperative industry can have numerous societies across the country that too ranging in thousands.
The digital platform is the best way in putting together and linking up the various societies that result in empowerment of the farmers. The heads of agriculture based cooperatives such as US Awasthi have time and again ascertained the advantages and the impact the digital intervention has managed to bring upon the industry. Farmers now can very well opt to buy seeds or fertilisers on an online basis. 

It is in this very way 3rd parties are being eliminated along with middlemen who otherwise involve in unscrupulous dealings. The agro sales can remain free of various unnecessary bodies like commission agents which gives a lot of hope to the farming community. 

The Much Needed Adjustment:

The digital ways of payment are encouraging a better flow of goods with timely repayment of the farmers. This has curbed away the practice of side selling where farmers used to sell off to other parties or places in order to avoid situations like repayment of loans. 

Talking of the Benefits:

The digitization is giving away to opportunities for agricultural co-operatives like;
·         Bringing on accuracy
·         An element of speed
·         Fast and efficient ways of documentation
·         A proper way of storage
·         Easy mode of financing with elimination of middlemen
·         Less chances of risk and more.
The modern way of functioning for agricultural co-operatives can very well introduce changes on a country wide scale should it is able to reach every nook and corner over time. Experts like IIFCO CEO suggest this can change totally some of the existing models as that of;

·         Financing
·         Distribution and
·         Risk mitigation

Thus it can be easily derived from the analysis of the modern agriculture based co-operative industry, the digital revolution is capable of influencing everyone from the farmers to the traders and lastly to that of the end-user customers. 

IFFCO MD  U S Awasthi  is the visiting professor of IIT, New Delhi. He is also a member of the Centre for Management in Agriculture in IIM, Ahmadabad.


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